Research publications

Publications from the DISC team

Remnant, J., Sang, K., Calvard, T., Richards, J. and Babajide, O., 2023. Exclusionary logics: constructing disability and disadvantaging disabled academics in the neoliberal university. Sociology, p.00380385231162570.

Williams, V., Sang, K., Remnant, J and Barker, G (2022) Accessible Laboratories: Understanding the needs of chemists with hidden impairments and long-term conditions. Report from research funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Wånggren, L., Remnant, J., Huque, S., Kachali, L., Sang, K.J. and Ngwira, J., 2022. Disability policy and practice in Malawian employment and educationSociology of Health & Illness.

Remnant, J., Sang, K., Myhill, K., Calvard, T., Chowdhry, S. and Richards, J., 2022. Working it out: Will the improved management of leaky bodies in the workplace create a dialogue between medical sociology and disability studies?. Sociology of Health & Illness.

Sang, K., Calvard., T and Remnant, J., Myhill. K. (2021). Blood work: Managing menstruation, menopause and gynaecological health conditions in the workplace. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (4), p.1951.

Richards, J., Ellis, V., Canduela, J., Pustelnikovaite, T. and Saxena, S., 2022. Developing the concept of leaveism: From presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of employment?Human Resource Management Journal.

Richards, J., 2022. Putting employees at the centre of sustainable HRM: a review, map and research agendaEmployee Relations: The International Journal44(3), pp.533-554.

Sang, K., Calvard., T and Remnant, J. (2021). Disability and academic careers: Using the social relational model to reveal the role of human resource management practices in creating disability. Work Employment and Society.  36 (4), 722-740

Myhill, K., Richards, J. and Sang, K., 2020. Job quality, fair work and gig work: the lived experience of gig workers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32 (19), pp.4110-4135.

Remnant, J., 2019. Getting what you deserve: How notions of deservingness feature in the experiences of employees with cancerSocial Science & Medicine, 237, p.112447.