To achieve global excellence in research and innovation, the research workforce must bring a diversity of experiences, expertise and ideas which necessitates the creation of inclusive research cultures to remove barriers for marginalised researchers in order to meet UKRI’s UK-wide talent programme and research concordats on responsible research practices. Our vision for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Caucus (EDICa) is to create inclusive research cultures enabling diverse researchers to access and thrive in careers across the research and innovation (R&I) systems, removing barriers to full participation experienced by women, disabled, LGBTQI and racially minoritized researchers, and researchers with caring responsibilities. EDICa will act as a focal point, identifying, evaluating and synthesising EDI initiatives across the R&I systems ensuring research addresses the needs of a diverse range of stakeholders.
Funded by UKRI and the British Academy, EDICa is a national project which aims to bring an intersectional perspective to the multiple disadvantages which can face marginalised researchers and innovators. The Caucus will use a co-design approach led by those with lived experience of exclusion and marginalisation to undertake and evaluate interventions designed to create equitable workplaces across the research and innovation ecosystems. Led by Professor Kate Sang, the Caucus leadership is itself an interdisciplinary team bringing lived experiences of marginalisation across the research and innovation ecosystems including racialised inequalities, disability, neurodiversity, LGBTQI and gendered inequalities. Each member of the team is committed to the removal of barriers to equity in the workplace generally and specifically for those pursuing careers in research and innovation.
Website: www.edicaucus.ac.uk
Contact us at EDICaucus@hw.ac.uk
Twitter: @EDI_Caucus